
When to File a Roof Insurance Claim in Ohio

If you are noticing signs of roof damage after a storm, it is very important that you file a roof insurance claim as quickly as possible. Whether the damage seems large or minor, you can never truly know the full extent of any roof damage without a full inspection by an experienced roofing professional. While you do not necessarily need to hire a professional roof inspector before contacting your home insurance providers, it is definitely

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Annual Home Roof Maintenanace

Your roof system is a major investment, providing years of protection from the elements and helping to ensure a comfortable living environment for you and your family. But, just like many components of your home, it needs regular maintenance to perform at its best. ROOF MAINTENANCE CHECKLIST We’ve compiled a list of annual and semiannual tasks to help keep your asphalt shingle roof in good condition throughout its lifetime. Many of the items on this

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4 common causes of a Leaky Roof in the Winter

Ice Dams They occur when heavy snow buildup melts during the day and then refreezes when temperatures drop overnight. After several days of melting-freezing cycles, it’s common for the melted water and ice to work up under the shingles until water enters the attic and eventually does damage to the ceilings, wall and contents. Attic Condensation If your attic isn’t well insulated, warm, moist air from your home can enter. Because attic temperatures are cooler

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